Dr. Pat Francis

Tadi malam saya mendengar kesaksian dari DR. Pat Francis tentang "new season, new revelation, new vision, new level, new power" yang harus dialami setiap orang percaya. Dia bersaksi tentang apa yang dialami dalam pelayanannya. Sudah beberapa tahun gereja yang dilayaninya memiliki sebidang tanah seluas 20 acre di Toronto, Canada. Tanah itu diperuntukkan bagi pembangunan gereja sebagai bagian dari Charity dan juga pembangunan sebuah Teater sebagai bagian dari kegiatan "Enterprise" yang akan membiayai pelayanan (Charity).

Penggalangan dana selama beberapa tahun hanya menghasilkan sekitar USD 1 juta, padahal dana yang diperlukan jauh lebih besar dari itu. Doa dan puasa sudah dilakukan. Namun dana pembangunan tetap tidak  memadai. Sebagai seorang gembala, hal ini sangat membuat Dr. Pat kehilangan semangat. Nilai tanah pada waktu itu ditaksir sekitar USD 4 juta. Doa dan puasa dilakukan lagi, permohonan diajukan ke sorga. Namun hasilnya belum ada.

Sekitar 3 bulan lalu Tuhan membukakan visi Dr. Pat dengan melihat sekitar tanah itu yang dibangun banyak bangunan komersial. Dia menghubungi seorang developer temannya. Temannya ini memperkenalkan lagi kepada seorang developer keturunan Italia. Sang developer Italia ini kemudian membagikan apa yang dilihat para ahli property atas tanah itu. Tanah itu bernilai USD 11 juta pada bulan lalu. Tiga hari lalu sudah bernilai USD 27 juta, karena di atas tanah itu bisa dibangun 3 menara kondominium, lapangan golf, teater, dan gedung gereja. Penantian Dr Pat atas penggalangan dana pada waktu lampau memang harus dilalui, karena Tuhan punya rencana yang jauh lebih baik. Inilah waktunya new season, new value, new level.

Dr. Pat hari ini jam 10.00 pagi dan besok jam 10.00 pagi akan memberikan khotbah di Kingdom of Glory Ministry di Jl. Ampera Raya, Jakarta.


Pat Francis - Biography

Dynamic, Powerful, Spiritual, Visionary, Humanitarian, Caring and Understanding are just a few words to describe Pat Francis D-C.P.C., M.Div., D.Min., Ph.D.

Pat Francis was born the second of two children to hardworking Jamaican parents from humble beginnings, yet they owned a grocery store that was used to help feed the poor in the community. Because of her parent?s selfless compassion, she respectfully credits them for passing down the genetic gift of charity and enterprise.
She graduated from the University of West Indies in 1975 in the medical field of Radiography after which her calling and destiny guided her towards her life?s purpose of Holistic Health & Wellness emphasizing spiritual and emotional health from the inside out. Her strong belief that ?Only God can heal the soul and release life into the Human Spirit, and that disease of the soul creates disease of the body,? led her, in 1999 to become the Founding Pastor of Kingdom Covenant Ministries [KCM], formerly Deeper Life Christian Ministries, a multi-cultural Christian organization with over 3000 weekly attendees headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Among her many noteworthy titles and positions, Dr. Pat is president of Pat Francis Ministries, a missions and humanitarian organization with international influence for teaching, empowering and helping people to move from sickness or survival to success. She is president ofAcorn to Oak Youth Services which helps "at risk" youth and young adults in need of academic, social, and judicial help. Dr. Pat believes that knowledge is power and with a team of gifted educators has developed the Kingdom Covenant Academy (Preschool to Junior School); Kingdom Covenant Collegiate (High School) and Kingdom Covenant Leadership Institute (Leadership and Bible school) with specialized programs that foster a "0-failure Culture"!
In the spirit of "charity and enterprise," Dr. Pat is the CEO of the Elomax Group of for-profit companies with a vision to create wealth and provide solutions for the poor. Her passion to create solutions and her ability to forge trusted relationships, have connected her with senior businesspersons, investors, entrepreneurs and government leaders. In November 2010, Dr. Pat led a Trade Delegation, with a combined US$1 billion in capital, to Accra, Ghana. This group included Global Business Leaders from many sectors such as mining, technology, financial, agriculture, energy, infrastructural development and professional services.
Compassion for the Poor [CFP], the humanitarian arm of Pat Francis Ministries, assists communities in missions-relief help to the poor, orphanages, and medical centres. CFP also provides conferences for teaching and training people with a compassionate vision to eradicate systemic poverty and create solutions for systemic prosperity. She is a member of the Women?s Presidents? Organization, a membership organization of High Profile women and top CEOs with multimillion dollar companies across North America. And she is also a member of the Canadian Council of Christian Churches.

In addition to being a purposeful academic with a doctorate in Divinity and Psychotherapy Counseling, Dr. Pat has been honored with several awards both in Canada and the US for her many initiatives and programs that provide solutions for youth and the community. In 2004, she was a awarded a Certificate of Recognition from the US Senate of New Orleans and in 2005 she received a Civic Award from the City of Mississauga. In 2008, Dr. Pat was appointed to the United Nations through a Non-Government Organization [NGO] with influence as a Transformational Activist to deal with humanitarian issues, systemic poverty and, in partnership with world leaders, help children and families at risk. She currently works with developing nations with initiatives for economic and industrial development.

Above and beyond these impressive accolades, Dr. Pat's vision is simple: "To serve God and humanity and to make my world a better place". Dr. Pat travels the globe sharing the life-transforming message of hope and power as an international conference speaker. Her message of Empowerment, Self-Enterprise, and Kingdom Dominion has impacted millions of lives across the world.
She is the author of several inspiring transformational books, and has published over 125 motivational CD and DVD titles, including: The Ultimate Secret, Achieving New Levels of Financial Prosperity, and Set Free to Soar, to name a few. She is also host of the weekly Television Program, "Good News with Dr. Pat Francis" which airs across Canada and other nations impacting millions.

Dr. Pat possesses a unique ability and gift to engage with all people regardless of their status or station in life. With great humility she draws them to believe in the transforming power of God. Together they become empowered to work alongside her to Change Lives and Impact Generations.
Dr. Pat Francis resides in Toronto, Canada.

Diposting oleh Hadi Kristadi untuk PENTAS KESAKSIAN http://kesaksianabadi.blogspot.com

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